Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Influence and Impact on the Bio free essay sample

The Ecological systems theory was originated by the famous Urie Bronfenbrenner, who believed that children developed within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the environment (Berk, 2000). As we know the Bioecological Model system has four basic systems. Bronfenbrenner was one of the first people to embrace human development. He establishes this theory which influences many other social scientists to study human being and their environment. Through his study he acknowledges the importance of human being develop in which how children are raise. This system helps to recognizes that children develop from their family, school, home surrounding and society. In fact the ecological theory explains how the child environment affects how our children grow and develop. Although we as parents and even teachers seem to think that we know how our children grow, but as individuals do we fully understand what affect or enhance our children process of development. The first system that influences development is the Microsystems. The micro system refers to the child experiences with immediate interactions with others people. From the first part of the child life, the micro-system start within the home, involving only interactions with one or two people in the family. As the child continue to grow or age the micro-system start to get more complex, which involve more people in the child foe example, day-care center or attending school. Actually this part of the development includes things that a child may experience on a daily basis in his/her surrounding or environment. However, as the child constant interact with other; often determine how the child will grow and development. Furthermore, the more the parents, caregiver or individual encourage or nurture the relationship in the micro-system, the better the child will grow up. The micro-system explain that a lot of relationships one establish in this system, the more bidirectional influences on the child development, both toward and away from the child like the parents as well as the parents influence on the child. The second system is Mesosystem, which consist of an upper stage that connects between the different of the child or individual micro-system. Actually this explain the experiences between teachers and peers, parents and teachers, school and church, family with, peers, etc. Often in this structure children who does not have a strong relationship or even a connection, can feel rejected by their parents and could experiences difficulty developing relationships with others individuals The exosystems is the third structure of the system, which refers to the community level influences including fairly established norm, standards and social work (Gregson, 2001), it also include the workplace, and family members. For instance, in today economy where there are fewer jobs and because parents to get laid off can cause affect on the child, due to lower income in life style changes. This stage of Bronfenbrenner theory deals with all aspects or changes the child development that comes with limitations that acts on any part of the system. The fourth and last level is the Macro system, which describes the culture that the child lives in. This part of the system is the largest and most influences set of things and individuals on the child development. Urie, macro-system consists of the relationships between cultural values, norms government rights, beliefs, etc. The system influences the children or individual directly, but can also cause less motivation in the child setting, for instance capitalism ands socialism and religion whether it Christian, full gospel etc. He stated that â€Å"resources hazards, life styles, opportunity structures, life course options and patterns of social interchange† (Bronfenbrenner, 1993). Most of all the Bioecological Model of Human Development is the views that an individual develop within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple structures of the surrounding and environment. Bronfenbrenner model system is differing from each other in various ways. Take the micro-system it tell us that children are influences by neighborhood, school, family or the child care center, which carry a strong impact on the development. Study shows in this level how the child behavior affects the parents and the parents affect the child. He call these bidirectional influences and he conduct a study showing other scientists and teachers how they exist in the environment. Furthermore, the micro-system, bidirectional can be proven to have the greatest impact or influences on the child development. The mesosystem plays it part in the model system too. It differs by showing the connection between the children in the micro-system. These connections can be between the teacher and parent or the community and the church. The exosystem structure is differs, because it describe the larger connection within the system, which say that the child does not operation or function directly. However, it goes to explain that the development to some what interact with the micro-system. A noted before this can come from the parents, their workplace, the media and etc. The macro-system is differs, because it deals with the culture, economy, etc. This level enhances or shapes the child growth. According to research Bronfenbrenner create this system just to understand the mid and growth of an individual development. He was the leading researcher to review family political and economy structure influences the development of child into adulthood. Through his theory scientist, teachers, and individual can place emphasis on the nature and nurture common in children development. The Ecological Model System Theory tend to experiment the differences in the child knowledge, competencies and development through guidance and structure in the environment in which we live. Understanding the influences of these systems is the key concept of understanding how a child develops and points out leading concerns that can actually lead to failure. As a parents demands more work hours and often make work their first goals has been proven to impact the child development, because it reflect to less time to interact with the child. According to Bronfenbrenner this is a major destructive on the child. He proved that the micro-system break down the child growth or development causes them to have no interactions to discover difference part of their environment or society. In conducting this research it shows that a primary interaction or relationships are those that last a life span with the parents and certainly cannot be redeem with others. The Bioecological Model of Human Development explain that the greatest interaction or relationship is the best way for a child to development and parents or teachers need to support these interactions by creating an safe environment and nurtures families. According to research there are many outside influences that impact a child development. Actually a child behavior can affect by many factors emotional, social, environmental and biological. For example, social influence affects the child development by being or exposed to peers on a daily basis, which causes the child to be influence by them. By the child wanting to be or feel accepted among their peers the impact can cause or damage the way the child act in the home. However, Piaget says that social development â€Å"peer interactions are crucial to the child’s construction of social and moral feeling, values, and social and intellectual competence† (Piaget, 1932/1965). Another outside impact is emotional development. A child with emotional depression issues can affect the environment of the home as well as the school. Unfortunately, each day in school environment teachers are dealing with numerous of children with social and emotional problems. As parents are seeking advance help to face and deal with these issues, some schools counsels are becoming the first solution to those troubling problems. Due to the study it is better to unite with the family, school and community to understand the issues that lead to the child or individual social or emotional problems. Indeed with these issues or problems learning Bronfenbrenner systems and understanding the concepts of how it works, we can look for alternative sources within the systems to resolve these problems. Furthermore, a child home environment can impact a child behavior positively or negatively. His study show where there is domestic violence or disagreement in the home can cause harmful reactions that lead to a lack of security for the child. Even an unsafe school environment can have a negative affect on the child behavior too. One main concern that the school teachers are facing in the school system today is bullying that possession a huge impact on the child life. An example for the micro-system would be parents affect by the child behavior as well as the child can be effect or drawn forth by the parents genes or traits. This approach can be from an bidirectional experience in the environment. The micro-system is the inner layer of the environment made up on relationships and interactions in the child society or surrounding. The next example is mesosystem, which is the link and structure that connect between the micro-system. This connection can be between the knowledge or academic experiences in the environment, classroom or lifestyle. The exosystem level or structures give example of the primary family, parent workplace, media, etc. Although they may not have physical contact with it, the organization affects the child development in all aspects. The last example is the macro-system, which is the outer layer of the bioecological model system. The macro-system often explain how values, laws and culture in the child development. Mainly it requires high expectation for the child and parents workplace. With this structure children with a strong belief or religion background will be strongly influences by the parents. According to research conduct this model is impact by the whole systems, which can be indirect, but still can hold a powerful influence on the individual. The child is the center of attention in this theory. The systems of model acknowledge that a child can be affected by the setting of their surrounding. From the research so far, one can conclude that a child family setting is very important, because this is where the child spends a large amount of their time. Other influences that are important to the systems structures are teachers, community, and peers. A child’s development as we all know is determined by the experiences in the home in the environment. By teaching the child appropriate ways to behave, talking and reading to them, and providing equipment and material, so they can interact with others has positive influences on the child and also help to enhance the development process. The negative affect of this theory is parents not spending enough time with the child and teachers who are not use this theory to enhance their teaching skills to advance their knowledge on how child body and mind development. Urie Bronfenbrenner, bioecological system simple break down all the things we need to know about how we development. This theory would be a great approach for teachers today to understand why our children are impact and influences by people, belief, values, community, church, government, school and family in our society. Unfortunately, teachers need to be aware of the differ factors that influences the child personality, just as well as they need to identify the behavior in the classroom. In conclusion, although we as parents and teachers seem to think that we know how children development, according to the bioecological model systems there more to child influences than just the home and schools environment. The key factor of this theory is to help children develop into adults, molding them for the future. As the theory focus on the outcome of wishing that children reach their goal. Scientists are constantly finding ways to improve and enhance the human development process. Bronfenbrenner design this systems to help understand children growth process, he emphasized that it is necessary to observe the child behavior and reaction in the community and society. In fact the systems allow researcher to discover some interesting points about why children hold positive and negative attitudes in life. The model systems deals with human development as a whole it language, cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and creative development.

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